Twice seen, heard Once:signals and the (un)consciousness
experimental text on disorientation, uncertainty, anxiety, fear, doubt place making and trust
you will betray your own heart if you don’t listen to what it wants!
are you paying attention to the details that are in your day?
are you paying attention to your spirit when it translates what it sees?
diverted thoughts:
de ja vu...
are you paying attention to the details that are in your day?
counting, seeing, de ja vu - all in a day
a re-do?, again and again? to undo all of it in a day.
I have seen something like this before and I don’t like what it’s making me to feel.
death is imminent.
... death reminded me about compassion.
... death reminded me about kindness.
... death reminds us of endings.
... and death reminds us of a different beginning.
and just don’t forget to look after self, yeah?
Did you know..?
I like to wear my heart on my sleeve?
...and that (water, crowds, trucks and love) scare me...?
Did you know that I could have died a long time ago?
Yearning :
Did you know... that...I have a wish to float without feeling scared that I will drown?
careless whispers?:
2. are you paying attention when your spirit is translating to you what it sees?
I want to tell you...
I want to tell you...
I want to tell you...
I want to tell you ...
I want to tell you something but I think I may be imagining things.
diverted thoughts:distractions
“and by the way, eh” - how does one write down the call of a hardy dah. hadeda?
How does one write down the call
of a loerie bird?
how does one calm down their nerves, isolate their anxiety, calm their heart and hypnotise it to still believe in the good like it used to.
and, I am seeing things that are beginning to scare me too...they are not good.
diverted thoughts part two:
Did you know...?
birds have always fascinated me while growing up.
My parents bought me a bird book and it had all of the species from Africa.
I don’t know where it is but I remember holding it in my hands when I was in the back seat of my dad’s blue Toyota Tazz.
I still remember some of them that I see, but only vividly in all of their diversity and curiosity.
I still remember that some female birds have dull earth toned feathers.
when they walk in solitude they are incredibly regal.
I started to notice sterlings in the city.
some with blue and some with red details underneath their wings.
I saw a white dove outside of my grandfather’s house for the first time. its entire body was a blinding bright white. When I walked out, it did not fly away. it continued to stay in the middle of the quiet road, and by the time I’d walked away from it, it was still there when I looked back.
I saw an eagle for the first time pivoting in the skies in Livingstone...
I remember seeing a white owl for the first time at the zoo, I was in preschool then. It was asleep on a branch that was on the left of its enclosure and when it was my turn to view it through the glass, it woke up slowly as if it sensed my presence. it turned its head sideways towards me and stared back as if it had been waiting for me...
diverted thoughts part three:finding purpose
* sighting a dead frog during a rainfall in Jo’burg suburbia.*
Another Ending:
“Allow it to be!”
“Allow Everything to be”