interlude: wanderer

when an undefinable shift has taken place within; something is happening. when you know that there is no turning back; something is happening. when death stares at you; it is your eyes that will instantly hyper zoom and isolate what’s happening around; something is happening. when everything about the unknown scares you, an inner power leads; something is happening. it will be shapeshifting prayers that will follow you wherever you are because something is happening. I guess that is why I am drawn to literature that is about a people who are constantly moving; something is happening and it wants to move. when you have grasped a technique to flow, a strength to continue, a love to still want to exist despite it all, you will know that you are returning home.


Sliding Out Of Narrative (2018/2019)


I am rotating in this body trying to fit in to it/seeking an alternative Language for Recovering